Tuesday 9 August 2011

Clinic: August 9

Another busy day in the student clinic.  I have been observing student interns not instructors which is a little disappointing.  I guess with it being summer things are less busy.  At least the interns do still, sometimes, consult with the supervising instructor so I am able to learn that way.  Had a chance today to follow a couple different interns.

#1:   This woman has been receiving treatment for a few years for her frozen shoulder.  The treatment principle is mainly local points for the shoulder; tonify Yin & LR points to affect tendons.  I have noticed in this clinic a lot more emphasis on local points and ashi points.

#2. This was a new patient;  a 27 yo man complaining of candida.  Lots of intestinal issues, headache/dizziness with mental fog and rashes.  Main diagnosis was damp & heat.  The treatment principle was draining damp and moving Qi especially in the middle Jiao, then boost SP Qi once the damp is gone.  I had the opportunity to compound another herbal formula.  Also got to see the use of smokeless moxa stick and wheat moxa in use.

#3: An MS patient who had trouble with edema & lack of use of her legs.  This was her 2nd treatment and she was overjoyed at how much benefit her first treatment gave her.

#4. A patient I had observed on my first clinic day.  She is doing well and feels that she may be able to reduce the frequency of her visits.
With #3 & #4 it is great to see people's health improving from our efforts.  Sometimes it is easy to get bogged down in studying and work and forget that what we are doing really is helping.

acupuncture treatment