Thursday 22 March 2012

Si Ni San

It's a cold, snowy day today.  The weather made me think of a friend of mine who has complained that our winter never really arrived this year.  On the few occasions that I have made it out skiing with him I discovered that while he loves being out in the snow his hands and feet get extremely cold.  It sounds like he suffers from more severe Raynaud's syndrome than I do.

Ran across the following article about Si Ni San (Frigid Extremities Powder).

Si Ni San (Counterflow Cold Powder)
Chai Hu (Bupleuri Radix)
Zhi Shi (Aurantii Fructus Immaturus)
Bai Shao (Paeoniae Radix Alba)
Zhi Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix Praeparata)

Si Ni San was originally created to treat cold extremities due to depression of yang qi, but later generations expanded its use to treat disharmony of the liver and spleen. As such, Si Ni San is one of the most important base formulas for coursing the liver and supplementing the spleen. Si Ni San is a simple formula because it contains few ingredients, but it is profound because it contains a very eloquent combination of medicinals. 

Written by:Eric Brand
Published on November 18th, 2009 @ 12:18:50 pm , using 1277 words, 2465 views