Tuesday 26 July 2011

First Day in Clinic

Spent 4.5 hours in the student clinic today.  What a great experience.  I learned so much my head is spinning.  Observed the treatment for 3 patients and discussed another in-depth with the supervisor.

#1: a woman who had broken her R radius and ulna.  Saw the use of BaXie extra points (used for pain; w LI11 for increasing circulation in her arm).  Also saw Ren22 being inserted - have to go in above sternal notch and then angle down behind sternum.

#2: a 36 yo woman with dysmenorrhea.  Dx was LR blood stagnation and LR Qi stagnation w LR overacting on SP/ST.  Spent some time with Dr. ** talking about herbs, which ones could be used for each part of the treatment principles and then he chose the best ones from each group.  Ended up with Xiao Yao San modified to suit the patient.  It was a great review of herbs and a good learning experience.  Wish I'd had time to stay and help compound the formula.

#3: a woman with multiple complaints.  I wasn't able to get her prior history as the interns were busy.  One of her complaints was with brain functioning.  She commented on feeling dyslexic when reading and feeling like she often has wires crossed in her brain.  Dr. ** told us much of that was KI not communicating well with HT.  The treatment principles include calming the Shen and tonify KI.  The interns were discouraged with treatment, but Dr. ** told us that this takes time to treat.  He had seen some positive signs just observing the patient in the waiting room - less agitation, looking more relaxed, etc.  Used "4 Wise men" in the treatment - 4 points surrounding Du20: good for tranquilize, calm shen, anti-depression.

Looking forward to next week's clinic time!

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