Saturday 16 November 2013

Ma Huang Tang

Class: Formulas for relieving superficial syndromes
Sub-class: relieve exterior with pungent and warm

chills, fever, no sweat, aversion to cold, cough/wheeze, asthma, back/head/muscle ache 
tongue: thin white coat 
pulse: floating, tight

ma huang
(herba ephedra)
LU, BL; slightly bitter; warm
release exterior & disperse cold by inducing sweating; circulate & descend LU Qi to stop wheezing
gui zhi
(ramulus cinnamomi)
HE, LU, BL; sweet; warm
harmonize wei & ying qi; tonify HE yang; move yang & transform Qi; warm the channels & disperse cold
xing ren
(semen armeniacae amarum)
LU, LI; bitter; slightly warm; slightly toxic
stop cough & calm wheezing; moisten intestines & unblocks bowels
zhi gan cao
(radix et rhizoma glycyrrhizae praeparata cum melle)
HE, LU, SP, ST; sweet; neutral
tonify SP & Qi; moisten lungs & stop cough; clear heat & reduce toxicity; relieve spasm & alleviate pain;

Ma Huang

Yu Ping Feng San

Class: Astringent

Huang Qi
(radix astragali membranacei)
15 g
Tonifies Qi. Raises Yang. Strengthens the Defensive-Qi.
Strengthens the Exterior.
Bai Zhu
(rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)
15 g
Tonifies Qi. Strengthens the Spleen. Dries Dampness
Fang Feng
(radix ledebouriellae divaricatae)
7.5 g
Expels Wind. Releases the Exterior. Disperses Dampness.

Restrains sweating, Strengthens the Exterior, Tonifies Qi

Deficiency of the Exterior with weak and unstable protective Qi (Wei Qi).

Possible symptoms and diseases according to TCM:

Immune system weakness (easily catches colds)
Allergic rhinitis, Aversion to drafts, Aversion to wind
Chronic bronchitis, Flu syndrome, Respiratory tract infection
Spontaneous sweating
Tongue: pale body; white coat
Pulse:    superficial, weak

Huang Qi