Saturday 16 November 2013

Ma Huang Tang

Class: Formulas for relieving superficial syndromes
Sub-class: relieve exterior with pungent and warm

chills, fever, no sweat, aversion to cold, cough/wheeze, asthma, back/head/muscle ache 
tongue: thin white coat 
pulse: floating, tight

ma huang
(herba ephedra)
LU, BL; slightly bitter; warm
release exterior & disperse cold by inducing sweating; circulate & descend LU Qi to stop wheezing
gui zhi
(ramulus cinnamomi)
HE, LU, BL; sweet; warm
harmonize wei & ying qi; tonify HE yang; move yang & transform Qi; warm the channels & disperse cold
xing ren
(semen armeniacae amarum)
LU, LI; bitter; slightly warm; slightly toxic
stop cough & calm wheezing; moisten intestines & unblocks bowels
zhi gan cao
(radix et rhizoma glycyrrhizae praeparata cum melle)
HE, LU, SP, ST; sweet; neutral
tonify SP & Qi; moisten lungs & stop cough; clear heat & reduce toxicity; relieve spasm & alleviate pain;

Ma Huang

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