Thursday 23 February 2012

SI3 Hou Xi / Back Stream

The 3rd point of the Hand Tai Yang meridian

Shu- Stream; Wood; Mother; Confluent with Du

on the ulnar side of the hand, proximal of the metacarpophalangeal joint, at the junction between palm and dorsum of hand

1. clear heat and release the exterior
  • for heat due to external pathogen (fever, febrile diseases, malaria) and internal heat
  • combine with DU14

2. regulate the Du meridian, restore consciousness

  • SI3 (Confluent with Du) is part of confluent pair with BL62 (Confluent with Yang Qiao) - used together to balance Yin/Yang in body
  • combine with BL62 for illness of inner canthus, neck, ear, shoulder, back
3. activate collaterals and stop pain

  • headaches!  especially those in the occiput/neck region; treats Du meridian on the neck therefore good for acute neck problems (stiffness, pain, spasm/torticollis); weaker but works on the lower back as well; also arm pain and finger numbness
  •  combine with LU7 & BL10 for headache

4. consolidate body surface & stop sweating

  • for night sweats (Yin Xu+Yang XS); hot flashes; 5 palm heat
  • combine with HR6
5. clear heat from head and eyes
  • red eyes, sore throat, swelling of the cheek due to Wind-Heat 

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