Friday 24 February 2012

TE5 Wai Guan / Outer Pass

5th point of Hand Shao Yang Meridian

Luo-connecting; Confluent with YangWei

On the posterior aspect of the forearm,
midpoint of the interosseous space between
the radius and the ulna, 2 cun proximal
to the dorsal wrist crease.


1. Dispel Heat and release exterior

  • for fever, headache, red eyes and thirst due to exterior Wind-Heat
  • combine with DU14, LI11, LI4

2. Regulate SanJiao, clear internal Heat and stop pain

  • for migraine, hypochonriac pain, painful ears, red eyes, deafness, tinnitus due to Wind-Heat, XS Heat or Damp-Heat in LR & GB meridians
  • headache/migraine due to LR Qi stagnation (temporal)
  • also dispel pathogens from exterior for common-cold and seasonal allergies
  • combine with GB41(Confluent with Dai) for ShaoYang disorders
3. Activate the collaterals and open meridians

  • for paralysis, limited movement of arm, pain & swelling of wrist/elbow/shoulder
  • Migraine!
  • combine with GB8 for fast relief of migraine pain (temporal)

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